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The Source of Success

Staring back at the proverbial path of life, it seems that all has come to pass so that you can be in the position that you are in, you...

Seek and you will Find what?

Riddled by life the human of our story looks in the mirror and decides that today will be the day, he wants to find that which will make...

Poverty of the Mind

Let us say that you have all the money that your heart desires now in an instant, it is yours with one condition. The condition being...

To Care and be Aware

Kindness was your companion since a young age, the old and reliable friend that seemed to guide you when you did not yet know how to...

Perfection the false Direction

Suddenly it appears to you, a multitude of imagery, of words and tips on how to become this mystical creature that the west has glorified...

Solitude in the Multitude

Your eyes open, it is a new day with an infinite amount of possibilities and activities but your first response should be where do I...

The Beauty of Perspective

Join me as we take a brief but vivid drive back into time, to be exact we are hovering over the scenes of the Titanic and all the...

The Unreal story

Picture it, your life has surpassed your expectation and your weekends steal not so much of your present attention, as you have come to a...

To be Frank!

How many people do you think that you passed today in your walk of life, that did not need to act tough and ready but instead needed the...

The Acceptance

As we pass through life on this beautiful journey we are bound to encounter certain hierarchy's and sometimes these individuals or groups...

About The Blog


Forever or what feels like it, I had this need to guide those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started this blog not to be a somebody but rather to tell others that they need not be anybody but themselves to be happy and fulfilled.My thoughts, and curiosity about our world has helped me since a young age to observe with diligence but never got to report my findings. I founded PeterVan with a mission to give others hope and joy in a world that has forgotten its own kind.

 I am far from perfect but close to human, if you relate to anything or get to smile today even a tiny bit, I will be filled with joy.Feel free to comment and subscribe for more.

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