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Writer's picturePeterVan

Perfection the false Direction

Suddenly it appears to you, a multitude of imagery, of words and tips on how to become this mystical creature that the west has glorified to such an extent. You know exactly who I am talking about because sub consciously you too have been operating your life with reference to this figure and the thoughts at the back of you mind repeat itself on auto-pilot sadly without us noticing it. The words, "Must look perfect, must be perfect!"

Perfectionism has been on the rise at a rate that has gone unnoticed mainly because it is something that is not lethal immediately therefore we do not really speak about it all that much. The kid that once was you, with all the dreams and aspirations in-tacked, has been ripped to shreds by your unrelenting need to be perfect in any given task or situation. "Why is that?" you may ask. In a time that rarely gives way to new ways of being and thinking, we are constantly dragged into certain categories or states of being and therefore there exists pre-populated perceptions of such individuals, with standards that makes no sense. If for example you work a whole weekend on something you need to hand in and the moderator of said thing spends 10 minutes judging it, how is the amount of time spent on each respective task fair in any sense? Should you therefore be in the category of failure or should the moderator be the failure in failing to live up to moral excellence recognising the effort that was injected into the work.

Quickly looking over the types of perfectionism we have; self-oriented, or the desire to be perfect; socially prescribed, or the desire to live up to others expectations; and other-oriented, or holding others to unrealistic standards. Each one of these categories has its own type of person that adopts these abilities and in most cases these individuals feel hopeless at the end of each day knowing that the perfection that has been promised by this made up society is so far out of reach that it might just require all my attention, love and energy again tomorrow. We strive for perfection it seems in order to get ahead of the rest, but the end result is that your precious identity gets wrapped up into one big life goal, and do not dare failing to reach that perfection soldier. Seems a bit of mystery that none of these ridiculous standards that exists today, calling for your perfection, has the needs of others in mind, none whatsoever. If then perfection exists to get ahead of others, we should seek excellence instead so as to become better humans, knowing fully well we have short comings but being aware of them and improving daily.

Greek philosopher Aristotle said, “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work”. The perfect quote to begin understanding that being satisfied with oneself's identity, is followed by realisations of how imperfect we all are, but love can conquer the fear of rejection and selfishness. Being you has always been the coolest part of your life whether you care to admit it or not, when you are smiling filled with joy it wasn't because you pulled off faking perfection or pulled off a fake identity. Briefly experiencing acceptance just didn't cut it so you went back to the drawing board and carefully lingered in misery so as to be perfect once more, reading up on the latest trends you filled your life with meaningless things promoted as necessary and searched every and any show to find what it is every one is looking for, that certain identity that you feel you can pull off and perfect. Perfectionists tend to devalue their accomplishments every time a goal is achieved, the high lasts only a short time, so then why would you live a life of trying to be perfect if even your achievements would seem inferior in your eyes.

The answer I feel is scrapping this perfection nonsense and focusing on excellence. For excellence requires that you do everything with enthusiasm, hope and courage. Yes all these things feel like they are not tangible but do not be fooled, they are the greatest tools in giving you a life that announces fulfilment and purpose wherever you go. You no longer seek perfection but recognise that it is an ongoing process that requires that each day I improve myself because I love myself and want others to experience the love that exists outside of the perfection bubble. There are many stories and cases that can back the notion that one needs to realise that you are not perfect, you will sometimes fail and feel worthless but that should not be what determines who you are. Excellence in this circumstance would see the failure and imperfection as an amazing opportunity to grow and better oneself. Everything you touch and work on is a representation of who you are, give it your all do not hold back and believe in yourself, this will in turn produce work that is not filtered through the mystery of perfection but enhanced with the power of excellence.

There exists an intersection close to the false path of perfection and it is excellence. Notice your fear, choose love, forgive yourself, your internal chatter should be still and reassuring not loud and judgmental. Becoming your best self will far exceed the parameters of perfection because you wont be living and working in fear but instead will be filled with an eagerness to spread joy through excellence everywhere you go. If you are going to do something do it right the first time, that is excellence, perfection would be planning and worrying and never getting started because you fear that it is not going to be good enough. Looking at your success to failure ratio will cripple you and make you believe that sitting out on opportunity is the best, where in fact you are missing out on amazing encounters in your life. Live a life for others, perfection is selfish and trying to get ahead, excellence is being the best you that you can be and helping others achieve the same by being a shining light in this world growing dim.

This world is made up, I speak not of the grand design of nature and us as humans but of life as created by humans, the successful job, car and style does not exist, it is merely an illusion painted over so many times that we do not ever stop to wonder what was originally on the canvas. Follow your heart and become passionate about things that you truly love, not what the world says you should love, for the world is trying to be perfect in a time that perfection has a distorted meaning. You were made divinely perfect, this world is trying to tell you otherwise and getting you to start over daily regardless of your true magnificent nature, people are all making noise when they don't really have much to say, do not mind them.

If you did not hear it today, I Love You

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Jul 09, 2019

Thank you for your time and kind words Roger.Indeed our modern day cultural expectations are crazy, however we are more open minded than in the past and that leaves us curious to dive into these topics.


Roger Petersen
Roger Petersen
Jul 09, 2019

Nice post! You explore so many though provoking and compelling ideas. I, also, have been questioning our basic and fundamental cultural expectations and assumptions; finding them lacking. Your post does a great job of touching on how judgement is wrapped into the various layers of seeking perfection; so that we can come out ahead in the great, but unhealthy, comparison games.

Great job! And happy to discover your blog. It's right up my alley!


Mind and Love

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