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Writer's picturePeterVan

Solitude in the Multitude

Your eyes open, it is a new day with an infinite amount of possibilities and activities but your first response should be where do I start not when do I start. We have this weird glitch in our human DNA where we see a task ahead of us in our minds eye and immediately feel the need to go with the "Not right now option". The thing is that there exists a canvas the size of the earth and in it you are free to create a world where you feel a bit more welcome or dare I even say in control.

When you hear the word solitude it comes across as a word only used by those that consider themselves as monks or zen masters, however that couldn't be further from the truth. Philanthropist Warren Buffet once said; "You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you", these words cut right through me the first time I read them, not so much because it again is something so far out or monk like, but because it is something so simple that we forget in a world that is constantly demanding some of our limited supply of energy, we are ultimately in charge of our mood or emotions. How mad to think that we live in a world where you constantly have something to do, whether it be a new Netflix binge or the latest post on your social media that you are refreshing for the 10th time today. You need not lack anything in today's world because you can have an answer to a burning question in an instant, furthermore you can even become an expert in any field should you choose all you need to do is spend the energy in that specific direction. Enough of the common sense I am going to say what I feel inspired this piece in the first place and that is the solitude that exists in each of us waiting to be discovered through any technique necessary.

With so much going on in the world at a pace that was unheard of previously it is hard to stop and take a look for a second, I mean picture it the highway of life is jam packed and the only way you are keeping up is by looking around seeking answers to improve your life experience through any means available. So if you picture yourself jumping off that highway into the soft comfort of nature and running with tears down your face filled with joy perhaps for the first time straight to your goal, life might seem a little different. The highway of life will wind and show attractions around every bend, well you might call it attractions where they are in fact distractions, sometimes the scary truth is staring at us in the face and never did we once consider that our precious time is being wasted on a system built on addiction of more, bigger, better. Finding oneself then in a world that does not care about you how do you care at all about the world?

Solitude is a comforter to any soul I believe, finding the techniques to achieve this are up to you even if that takes a bit of time, you have so many tools at your disposal that previous generations never had, so to be frank I would say that you have no excuse to discover the peace and solitude that you seek. Once you have recognised what works for you, the path travelled becomes one of total awareness and fulfilment in every waking hour, yes even the hours that you are stuck in a place where you labour for credits so that you can spend those credits and repeat the process, better known as your job. The unbelievable acceptance that needs to take place is for us to nod in agreement that yes this is a moment in my life, I am here right now, should I want to be anywhere else, well yes that is what most of us hope for when we are at our jobs or at a place where we don't want to be. The trick is though that there will always be a multitude of things going on in the world accompanied by a multitude of people that are also on this journey in fact there are over 7,7 billion people on planet earth and the number is growing rapidly. That means that you will most likely always be surrounded by a multitude of something.

Through mindful actions you can train your brain to become more aware of things that previously went past your line of sight or escaped your senses, these things could be meditation in the morning, easily achieved by waking up 30 minutes earlier and setting a timer just to sit and not do anything but rather focus on your breathing. Reconnecting to God and feeling at peace every morning can drastically change your day as you make it a habit, there are healthy habits that you can teach yourself and once you tried it for a week and noticed the difference in your mood and emotions, you can implement them into your daily routine. Again this will sound like something only zen masters do but I believe that if we take care of ourselves mentally, taking the time to just breath and not do anything for a little while it dramatically improves your quality of life and your work quality will improve naturally.

Once you have become accustomed to being calm and at peace throughout your daily life, it becomes so much more cleared that we are all here in this together, your love for people increases tremendously because you are no longer stuck with your ego, blaring false things in your ears that makes your react emotionally and oh wait there it goes, your day is ruined. Everyone at some point in their life questions if they can change this and hope there is a way because it is so frustrating to be a slave to your own self. Now when you awake in the morning you look forward to that quite time of reflection and solitude because you know that it will resonate throughout your day, your patience and empathy will make you a super hero to yourself and others.

As humans I do admit that I myself enjoy not being around too much people as we clearly feel the energy of all that is going on around us, whether it be a negative Nancy or a Pessimistic Percy it drains us to come into contact with these people then we wonder why at the end of a day we feel drained from all our life force. The key here is simple once you find your solitude you can apply that inner peace to any situation in life and find that you handled it differently than you normally would. The reason I say this is because now for the first time maybe ever you do not allow words or people to dictate your state of being and that right there changes the whole game, suddenly you do not care as much, you identified the Solitude in the Multitude of feelings and emotions.

If you did not hear it today, I Love You

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