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The Source of Success

Writer's picture: PeterVanPeterVan

Staring back at the proverbial path of life, it seems that all has come to pass so that you can be in the position that you are in, you have overcome obstacles and grown your understanding to lead you to this place called success. As you breath a sigh of relieve you immediately recognise on a molecular level that none of this would have been possible would it not have been for your source, on the contrary in your wisdom gained by age you feel it almost impossible for you to have succeeded had you turned your back on your source, your power and comforter.

Today is a special day for those that seek it to be special and it is equally mundane as there are those that feel it is an appropriate description of their life's circumstances currently. As you woke up this morning, you breathed in the breath of a new day, this day has never existed, furthermore you are older now than you have ever been but it feels at times that this only increases our worries rather than magnify our preciousness. The story of success yells in your ears for attention the moment that you realise you are in control of this life, in school you had to ask permission to go to the bathroom and suddenly you are in an environment where you are no longer required to memorise the pointless facts because you have been given the special ability to live out the pointless man made ideologies of success, you are now a grown up. In case you were wondering what it means to be a grown up, I should direct you to the many shows out there that depicts the values and ideas of a healthy, sound minded grown up. The thing is I have a feeling that we can all be much better than what society has made us to believe.

Popular basketball coach John wooden defined success as: "Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming." Now although there are many definitions of success most of them are in the line of achieving a high position in a particular field such as business. If you have not yet stopped to consider what success means to you, then it could be possible that you too are in a race to be better at something that you do not care about, to outdo someone who you also do not really care about. Success then in the language of a human from the year 2019 could sound an awful lot different to success from the 1800's, that would leave us with the understanding that success is more of a personal thing rather than a material or status thing. Talking to your past self from personal experience would you be able to put into words the things that you need to accomplish to feel a sense of success or would your kid self stand there with a deranged look of unbelief the more you try to give advice?

Martial arts instructor and Philosopher Bruce Lee said, “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality to duplicate it”. This figure knew who he was because he took the time and energy to discover the limits of his power, his dedication and discipline has the world marvelling at his success to this day. The success in his story though I believe is his ability to carry across what he has learned to other people and teach them how to do the same, a figure that decided that success to him was getting everyone else to also be a better version of themselves, by tapping into their God given talent. To be successful in todays terms regardless of all the confusion that exists, is to be the best version of yourself that you can be, the person that makes you smile when you take a glimpse into the dream, the very same person that is the only one of its kind. If being a human was a game with rank, a lot of people would have gathered an immense number of hours played as a specific character, i.e business man or accountant but that does not mean you are the best version of yourself yet, you are merely perfecting a character that has existed for years with a set of skills that is expected, not developed.

Life is calling for people of all areas to become a success and let that success grow into love and deep desire for others to succeed just as much as you want to succeed. The source of all success then is clearly God, it states clearly in the word of God that he has no favourites (Romans 2:11). A beautiful reminder that in this intricate world full of awe and wonder there exists simple truths such as these, and they should serve as reminders that nothing on earth can make you feel like a success if you have forgotten about your fellow man along the way. To beautify a certain field of expertise in life and then looking down on others is a fools way of saying that success has shortcuts if you just know where they are. Knowing then that God has no favourites and recognising that he is your source of, strength, love, and mercy should act as a tool of comfort in these days filled with unrelenting confusion of what is to come. Trying to do it all by yourself is as human as much as anything else out there, "I do not need any help!" says the frail tiny human to his ego blaring in his ears. Well the thing is that while you might not need help right now, some time in life when you are a little wiser or older you will stare at the ugly truth in the face, the truth being, I am weary.

As your limited human body grows weary, your God is still the same as he was yesterday, ready to jump in as soon as you inevitably realise that success is futile without the right understanding of it. We were made to live life in abundance, to not only care for the animals that we rule over but similarly to acknowledge the power and beauty of the nature that surrounds us. Man was not made to sit in a concrete block each day and feel successful for it, man has an intricate set of skills not only physically but emotionally and spiritually. We possess power in our words to lift others up, to make them feel important and loved, but we have been made to believe that nobody is listening, that you can not make a change by your small act of random kindness. When the lights get flipped on during the final moments of life and we are all made aware of our brothers and sisters around us, it will be too late to desire starting a change in the way we treat each other, our Father has always known our intentions and it would be more so when all this is said and done.

Success means many things, but your intentions can only have so many meanings, with that said I feel that life is expanding its parameters of what is acceptable each day, but it tends to make you realise that we are susceptible to the negative influence of other people. Success is the ability to say without a doubt that your days are spent doing something you love for a living, and that could be earning a fortune or just enough to have a roof over your head, food on the table and a bed to sleep in because even though these things seem basic you need not search long to realise that it is a privilege in many places. Respecting your fellow human regardless of their social status, points to success as a human being, and success as a good human being is far greater an accomplishment than success as a businessman. The Source of Success is God, be still and know that he is God, ask for guidance and you will experience a renewed sense of purpose daily. Success by human standard is limited.

PeterVan says Yes you can, share this if you could and live like you should.

If you did not hear it today, I Love You.



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