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Poverty of the Mind

Writer's picture: PeterVanPeterVan

Let us say that you have all the money that your heart desires now in an instant, it is yours with one condition. The condition being that you live your life on an island where the average person barely has enough to get by each day, an island that is plagued by poverty and unrest. On this island you can have your lavish cars and houses as well as fancy clothes but the people that surrounds you will never be able to have this, to them you will always be the person that drives by, has more than enough without having the power to spread the wealth. Would you still want to flash the cash then? Or would your life resemble a much humbler approach.

I truly believe that it is important for everyone to have dreams and to live a life chasing those dreams so that they can be blessed with all the rewards that comes there with. The thing that I despise is that our picture of success and wealth has been distorted into a malign painting of selfishness. Poverty was never supposed to be this bad, if you look at any government or institutions it seems that this is the number one problematic issue that faces us however it keeps being put on the back burner almost metaphorically resembling the lives of people being pushed to the side ... for now at least. To know how real the struggle are for these people we need only look into the poverty that is real in our lives, look not far and you will begin to identify parts of your mind that is stricken with poverty, whether it be compassion or education, our ways of thinking is deteriorating.

The Urban dictionary defines Mental Poverty as," A system that exists where the norm is ignorance and refusal. Refusal to change, to try and learn new and better ways of not only thinking but also putting thoughts into action. It is essentially a poor mind". Ignorance is bliss as they always say however if you truly look into this saying you will see the truth in it, the refusal to take responsibility in educating yourself and making yourself aware of what is going on in this world. "Well I don't really want to think of those sad things", you might say, but this way of thinking is what got us all in this mess in the first place, we are less aware of what makes sense because we try and make sense of what does not make us aware. None of what you are fed on the radio or even your screen wants to improve your mental capacity because then there exists no more need for the distractions that consume us. You might agree or disagree when I say there exists in all of us this longing for something yet we do not know what it could be, I feel that this is the little piece of heaven that has been with us and misses home more than it cares to be here. So if you feel a longing for something, you are longing for spirituality.

Mental Poverty can spread into your life faster than you can track and before you know, it kills your ambition, takes away from you your willpower and completely takes over your self-control. You are here now on earth and to delay improving mental capacity means only that you are allowing your mind to be a barren wasteland filled with all kinds of like buttons and scrolling of pages in a zombie like continuity. We all have fell victim to this programming of the masses or maybe you are going through it now and if you are might I suggest that you start making some changes in your daily routine. It is said that successful people focus on having an impactful first and last hour of their day as this in turn means that whatever happens in between those times will be success as you are aligning yourself intentionally everyday to become better than you were yesterday. In those moments of quite reflection and prayer at the start and end of your day, you begin to understand that your mind too has requirements and to fulfil those needs means you have a more fulfilled life.

American writer and lectured Dale Carnegie said," Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude". It is then safe to say that, yes perhaps we are poor when it comes to the riches of understanding and knowledge which helps us govern ourselves as humans. The reason that I say this is because we live in a time where loneliness is an epidemic, we are afraid of what is to come these days and we fear that maybe even real poverty will become a thing in our lives. The world is unstable and certainty has become a luxury that caters only to the elite, I do not know about yourself but I am not part of this elite group of people in fact I am normal by all standards and yes I could smile in ignorance at the grandness of temporal stability but I am not convinced. This world is crying, and the birth pains of oppression has long communicated its message of help, help us in anyway you can because we do not have the strength to carry on. We need to renew our minds daily, out with the junk of this world and in with the beauty of the wisdom hanging in the air, ready to be plucked by those that care.

One needs to go through a journey of deep soul searching, realise that you are special and one of a kind, realise that never again will someone like you exist and finally realise that life is happening for you not to you. Each day is a brand new gift for you to delve into new ways of thinking, new ways of being as well as being the one of a kind focused being that you are, you just don't know it yet. This brings us to the question of why? Well a life lived feeling fulfilled is a life that is being spent correctly, you are making an effort from your side to understand the needs of others then educating yourself in ways to maybe fulfil that need that exists. You need not go and get the best degree to change the world, just start by noticing that you want to change the world in the first place, let that be your guidance, your true north. Once you have taken the time to pay attention to what your heart is telling you then start making a mental blueprint of this dream, followed by executing it on a daily basis. Baby steps are giant compared to those that are stagnant in their fear of starting, doubting yourself shows a lack of faith and self-confidence.

So you can be indecisive, procrastinate, worry and be uncertain or you can choose to take control and get rid of the Mental Poverty that has enslaved you. The small healthy habits that you are building today in the form of reading, meditation and loving others unconditionally each day will snow ball into cataclysmic positive changes. There are no instructions on how to do this life thing, that is why we are so confused and worrisome but let it rather be a reminder that you are trusted by God each day to do whatever you feel is necessary. If you feel it is necessary to grow your mental ability, you will feel each day that it is necessary for us to care for one another, along with being there for each other and this my friends will make us wealthy minded people.

PeterVan says Yes you can, share this if you could and live like you should.

If you did not hear it today, I Love You.


2 commentaires

17 juil. 2019

Thank you Roger, indeed we are distracted but I believe us being aware of these distractions is already a major step in growing. Have a blessed day.


Roger Petersen
Roger Petersen
17 juil. 2019

Great post! I agree with your ideas in this post and definitely think you are on to something. I also think that our lives run off course by distractions or messages that tell us we are suppose to want certain things and be a certain way.


Mind and Love


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