Join me as we take a brief but vivid drive back into time, to be exact we are hovering over the scenes of the Titanic and all the catastrophic images that comes therewith. There were young couples on the cruise as well as aged couples but it was plain to see the sheer joy on each face illuminating excitement from their inner core. Although this was abruptly interrupted by horror and fear I want you to remember this one thing and that is: "What was a terrifying turn of events for the humans on board was a magnificent miracle for the lobsters downstairs in the kitchen".
Perspective has a latin root meaning "look through" or perceive, and it is easy to understand what it means when we read about it but have you ever realised how hard it is for you to perceive something differently? In fact you are not even aware of how some of your thoughts come to be, you probably write it off as coincidence or part of your personality, to some extent that is true however who was in charge of creating the personality that is you! The term "look through" I feel is a perfect example of getting oneself on track into really harnessing the power that is perspective. Since you were born you barely ever had chance to decide who you are, you had a bunch of siblings surrounding you looking down smiling making all sorts of comments about who you are and who you are going to be, your fragile egg shelled mind dared not question this yet because it always seemed that the older ones knew better, but did they though?
As you live and breath your walk of life has always had a bunch of filters that you have gathered throughout your experience here on earth and it is these filters that defines how you perceive things, it is these filters that you are looking through. Each filter carefully incorporated into your daily thinking and judgment, right after you give something a split second to perform and make you believe otherwise. Sure you could argue that a lot of these filters makes up who you are and how you think but I want you to be honest with yourself, I want you to Identify and recognise these filters that you have added to your vision of life and pay attention to how these filters either serve you in becoming the grandest version of yourself that you can be, or are these filters drastically reducing your enjoyment of life. They can be small or insignificant filters to you but believe me when you look at waking up everyday as a gift and a blessing rather than a curse and chore it changes your whole day, listen to yourself when you wake up, what are you saying. Now with that said, it seems simple because it is simple, you really have been given all these filters to look at life through and what might normally be a wonderful array of colours and sunshine seeping through the clouds, you might now perceive as "I cant believe it is only Tuesday". Maybe one of your relatives had these characteristics and without you knowing you had choice, you added the filter into your own life and decided never again will I enjoy every day for what it is, because my relative seems to know a thing or two about life so the crap that comes out of their mouth must be true, yes of course all of it. Think for yourself, decide for yourself and do this all starting now, do not delay looking into how you perceive things because even if it does sound silly it controls so much of who you are and your day, so why not experiment with perspective and see things for what they are, it is what it is you know.
Perspective seems to be the tool that makes you decide how you perceive any given moment, in my own life I went through a period that I did not have money and basically ate bread each day with peanut butter but my perspective of things was what kept me going, I recall as I sat on the rocks looking at the ocean the words of Janis Joplin gracing my ears
"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose". People spend their whole life's looking for freedom, you wont find it in retirement or in a relationship, just change the way you look at things and any situation will always have a bright side and wait for you at the end of the road with a precious gift of life experience and fulfilment.
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