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To Care and be Aware

Writer's picture: PeterVanPeterVan

Kindness was your companion since a young age, the old and reliable friend that seemed to guide you when you did not yet know how to fully function as a human. For months and years you built a self, an image of someone that resembles kindness as well as goodness but along the way you kind of forgot that kindness is the one thing in a personality that can never be faked, it is something that you practice and incorporate into your life by building awareness, followed by love for everyone.

As you are reading this I am fully aware that I might not have your attention for a very long time and that is fine, we live in a time where there is so much to do, that at the end of the day we feel we accomplished nothing and need more time. Let me introduce you to my friend "Awareness", for you see there is much more in this present moment than you could ever know and that includes things to come and things that was. At this very moment the world is spinning in space at an alarming rate but you are used to it so it doesn't phase you, at this moment many babies are being born along with many people passing away. It might seem that nothing is happening but that is because of the lack of awareness that exists for you and for me, we are limited in our capabilities to receive certain information from our senses and this leaves us with the option to practice enhancing the awareness that we do have. Have you ever felt that a certain moment made you feel more alive than others? It could quite possibly be that you were more aware of that moment than any other and that is why you can recall it or it exists as a happy memory, you were in the moment, you were there without distractions.

As we improve our awareness we also improve our experience of life and one way to develop ones self-awareness is through reflection. It is so interesting that as a species we would rather continue running in the wrong direction without reflection than being seen coming to a stand still and assessing where our energy is being spent and adjust accordingly. Our levels of empathy - the ability to understand the feelings of others, are lower today than 30 years ago according to research reported in Scientific American, "Why is that?" you may ask. More connectivity has brought upon us less human interaction and I am no relationship expert but you go and not talk to your partner for a while then see how quickly the lack of communication delivers complex relationship problems. So let us begin with awareness in our life's let us pay attention to the small detail of the everyday world and realise if we have a God then surely in his all knowing power he made today perfect and it holds all the beauty that he could muster, there is only space left for a few billion eyes to behold and comment upon it daily.

Responding to the needs and feelings of other people will gain you their trust, there you go free life hack for you. Surely we all know this as we too are on the receiving end of people not understanding us or even making an effort to do so, should you then copy this behaviour or point it out and work on being the difference?I would say the latter as we hold the power to become the difference that we seek, in every encounter and in every day regardless of the circumstances, self-awareness will improve your emotions as well as how you react to flaring emotions around you. Artist James Thurber said it best when he said, "Let us not look back in anger , nor forward in fear, but around in awareness". A profound quote that stirs the soul within each of us, as it is not so much something that we can admit is new to us but rather information that we kind of forgot in our walk of life up until we straight up dropped it off somewhere like a piece of a puzzle that you feel is not needed right now but be assured somewhere you will need it.

Improving oneself is not something to loath because once you have adopted a few good habits the word loath will eventually leave your vocabulary too as there will be no space for such negative thinking. Improve your listening skills, be still and pay attention to all the wonderful sounds around you, be thankful for having the gift of hearing as there quite clearly exists those that do not posses this gift. Pay close attention to your interactions with other people, the way you respond to what they say could be a massive indicator of how aware you are of your inner thoughts. Perhaps most important, identify other people's emotional states around you, sympathise and care for them as this is not a sign of a weakness but rather someone that has immense emotional intelligence with the capability to pick up on the vibe of those around you and being there to lift them up with support. It is true that our hardest critique is ourselves therefore it is of utmost importance that you start developing awareness in your life, as this will grant you the ability to start loving yourself for who you are. Maybe you are listening to your inner self for the first time, maybe you will begin to care for more things, for more people and ultimately caring for the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants as a whole.

Awareness makes me care a lot more about what happens, not only in my home, in my life, and in the lives of those I love, but in the whole world. It is straightforward, when we care we start to look for ways to change and improve not only our life's, homes and the people we love but we start to want a change in the world as a whole. When you are aware and you care you wont be able to stop yourself from looking for ways to improve the life's of others as well as making this world a much better place to live in. Starting with yourself be aware of who you are and what you feel, not about how a new post on social media makes you feel but genuinely how your current circumstances and emotional state makes you feel. Spend time in solitude and nature while you reflect on your life and what it means to you, for only you know the way to bring about change from the perspective of you as an individual. Collectively we all can achieve that pure bliss of understanding each other if only a few of us starts to put in the effort and work on improving awareness of those around us, self-awareness, as well as caring deeply for your fellow human in any given situation.

No one is perfect and it is even harder to try and be perfect however we all have the choice to do as we please. So take full ownership of your own life, as you are the CEO and commander in charge, with that said if your life lacks meaning or is not fulfilling that leaves you with the realisation that you need to fire the personality in charge and build yourself anew. If we focus on bettering ourselves we kind of get over ourselves, in a way that makes you want to shake everyone around you to also wake up and smell the roses. Life is beautiful, you need only to tune into the now and realise that each choice you made has brought you here and if you think that one small thing cannot change everything in your life, may I remind you of the the last time you experienced a small yet disruptive mosquito keeping you out of your sleep.

PeterVan says Yes you can, share this if you could and live like you should.

If you did not hear it today, I Love You.



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