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Writer's picturePeterVan

To be Frank!

How many people do you think that you passed today in your walk of life, that did not need to act tough and ready but instead needed the love of others in words of guidance or support. It would be amazing if we could somehow find a way as a species to sense when others really need our support so that less of us feel alone and anxious and more of us hopeful and joyous.

It is nice to be in conversation with the people in your life such as colleagues or friends, as it gives us a sense of belonging and understanding in a crazy existence and series of events currently in our world. We need not lean on the negatives because there is enough right now to scream; "The times they are a changing" as Bob Dylan would sometimes repeat in song to crowds of people chanting with a peaceful roar that they too could feel this change. I feel not that we should feel hopeless but rather filled with eternal joy over the thought of this beautiful experience called life, because just as much as it is tough and at times sad, it is also at most times breath taking.Tomorrow you could wake up and you could have that dream job and smile on your way back from work and greeted with a loving family and even have a waggy tailed dog, all those things however will perish along with this world that it exists in. When we see that life, as magnificent as it can be, will inevitably end will we then come to a realisation that all of this is for nought if I have not been frank as to who I am.On the other side of any problem is a better day with overcome battles, but also on that side will still be you and you will be stuck with you for a very long time, so you need to be frank with yourself, with those around you and with what you are planning to experience here on earth because if you don't this world will frankly do it for you.

Every breathing creature and human was wonderfully made and serves an example of this universes beauty, it is however this body's mind that pulls the strings like a miniature orchestrator, intrigued by every action and reaction. We are then stuck between a battle of infinite ability and finite capability so to speak, as we do really want to but we really don't want to right at this very moment, sometime you are going to have to be frank with yourself and this is normally in a very comfortable position where staying in that position seems it has more reward than disciplining one self to earn an even greater reward in the sense of fulfilment and joy in life. A good friend of mine once said that money could be the root to all evil but he believed that in fact "Boredom was the root to all evil", as this was a space that one gets in where you start to lose focus and belief in what you are doing, you are in a sense letting time slip through your fingers. Notice that your time is valuable and what you spend it on should improve you, not only as a person, but increase your performance in all phases of life.

If we are so special and made so magnificent then how could it be that we feel so worthless? Well it is simple I believe, we have been lied to and they lied again and lied some more until this amazing creation that is man started feeling worthless and without purpose. Let us be frank with each other, tell one another how beautiful we are as people, how interesting and caring each as his own person. Deep down I know we all have a soft spot for each other and want the best for our fellow man.

If you did not hear it today, I love you.

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