As we pass through life on this beautiful journey we are bound to encounter certain hierarchy's and sometimes these individuals or groups need not our attention as much as we need theres.For you see my fellow magnificent being we are all here with the slight hope that we are liked amongst some or at least a few of the people that we share this planet with as this gives us a certain feeling of acceptance and thus we go about our days for a while knowing that we are doing something right.
As I went for a walk the other day, a certain feeling of acceptance started to cover my body as if for a moment I was granted the simple truth in life, we need to accept the things that we are still trying to avoid because once this acceptance occurs it unlocks a host of renewed understanding.Suddenly the walk was right where I was supposed to be, I found myself saying deep down for a split second I am going to trust this body and see how it feels if I just relax and let it be a human body for a while, absurd or common sense?If we remember that we are eternal beings having a human experience then it becomes easier to accept that your life will end eventually because even now you are deteriorating whether you accept it or not each second truly does count and you will not get it back.
In that moment it felt like I was along for the ride, I was observing my body and its movements, I was looking around curiously at all the grand designs of nature and being overcome with new acceptance and joy for the fact that yes I am a human. Sometimes I will be weary and sometimes might feel really tough but just look deep inside and know that there is much more to this than earth, existence and then death. We are all in a truly blessed experience that will never occur again when it is over, enjoy it and smile.We need not take life too seriously you will never make it out alive anyway. Peace and blessings.